sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2024

100th blog post

And with this blog post I have reached 100 blog posts here in Jurassic Mania. Quite amazing concidering that this year ain't even the year of Jurassic. The next year of Jurassic will be on 2025 when the fourth movie arrives.

An idea for a movie

If Universal wants to explore the idea of a Jurassic Park movie with human-dinosaur hybrids then here's my suggestion: -A spin-off movie and the title could be -Side Project: A Jurassic Park Story - or something like that. Made this poster with PicsArt app.

Jurassic Memes

This girl went viral when she said two words on TV: -"Hawk-Tuah" -and people has made many memes already of it. Here's one Jurassic themed I picked up from Facebook. Made also my own image that can be seen in MatoApina blog.

keskiviikko 19. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic Memes 2/2

Picked up another funny one Jurassic Meme. Facebook's Jurassic Park fan pages are a good  source.

Jurassic Memes 1/2

Picked this up from Facebook and thougt it was worthy to share also here in Jurassic Mania blog. Quite funny😁.

lauantai 15. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic World 4 News

Jurassic World 4 gets it's kid actor as the young actress Audrina Miranda joins the cast.

torstai 13. kesäkuuta 2024

My phone background image

I posted this image already in my other Hulkin blogi..., but it deserves a mention also here in Jurassic Mania. I put the new Jurassic World 4 poster as my phone background image and it looks pretty nice.

Amazing Jurassic Park poster

Bumped on this Jurassic Park poster in Facebook and thougt it was worthy to share also here in Jurassic Mania blog. Pretty amazing poster art design.

keskiviikko 12. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic June: Jurassic Marathon: Jurassic World: Dominion

Time to put in the final movie of the Jurassic June Jurassic Marathon: - Jurassic World: Dominion. Let's start the movie. 

tiistai 11. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic June: Jurassic Marathon: JW:FK

Next on Jurassic June Jurassic Marathon watch list is Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Let's start the movie.

maanantai 10. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic June: Jurassic Marathon: Jurassic World

Next in the Jurassic June Jurassic Marathon is Jurassic World. Let's start the movie.

Got a very very late birthday gift

Got a very very late birthday gift from my pal Tontsa: -a Jurassic World: Dominion Giganotosaurus figure. 
Took one more shot at home without posing myself.
And there it is the figure itself taken out from it's package. Beautiful addition into my Jurassic collectables. Thank you very many for this amazing gift MatoApina's Tontsa.

sunnuntai 9. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic Memes

I will post this also in MatoApinan blog since it fits also there because of the Hulk that is my internet nickname. But about the meme it is quite funny and accurate.

Jurassic Screenshot & Link

Today is again the birthday of the screenwriter David Koepp. The link is down below👇.

Happy Birthday David Koepp 

torstai 6. kesäkuuta 2024

New label: Jurassic News

Since I post these -"Jurassic News" -blog posts then why not put them under Jurassic News label. 

Jurassic World 4 news

Young actor David Iacono has joined the cast of the fourth Jurassic World movie. He can be seen in such movies like St. Vincent and Joker. Not very familiar with this actor althought I have seen both the movies I mentioned. 

Jurassic June: Jurassic Marathon: Jurassic Park III

Jurassic June Jurassic Marathon's next movie is Jurassic Park III. Without further talks let's start up the movie.

If Jurassic Park was Tim Burton's movie

Someone has made a Jurassic Park poster if it was directed by Tim Burton. The cast looks to be all his regular actors like Michael Keaton - Danny DeVito - Johnny Depp and so. They didn't replace Samuel L. Jackson thougt.

keskiviikko 5. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic June: Jurassic Marathon: TLW:JP

Next movie in my Jurassic June Jurassic Marathon is The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Without any further talks let's put in the movie.

Jurassic Screenshot & Link(s)

Today is again the birthday of the actor Mark Harelik and also the birthday of the producer Kathleen Kennedy. Both links down below👇. 

maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2024

Jurassic June: Jurassic Marathon: Jurassic Park

Normally I post these movie posts in my other blog MatoApina under the label -"päivän leffa" (today's movie)..., but this one movie needs to be first mentioned here in Jurassic Mania blog. Yeah - it's time to start the Jurassic Marathon since it's Jurassic June. Here we go with the first one - the one and only Jurassic Park.