lauantai 31. elokuuta 2024

Jurassic World: Rebirth news

Two new actors has joined the cast of Jurassic World: Rebirth. Firstly British actor Ed Skrein who's familiar from such movies as Transporter Refueled - Deadpool and Midway.
Secobdly a less familiar actress Philippine Velge who's known from her roles in such TV-series as Station Eleven and The Serpent Queen

torstai 29. elokuuta 2024

First images of Jurassic World: Rebirth

First images of Jurassic World: Rebirth has appeared. On first image we got Jonathan Bailey and Scarlett Johansson in the long grass staring at something.
On the second image we got Mahershala Ali with a flare torch looking all scared. Amazing images - waiting for more.

My new phone background image

And of course I had to put the new logo as my phone background image. This time I will keep it.

Jurassic World: Rebirth official logo

There it is: -the official logo to Jurassic World: Rebirth. Down below👇 short video clip where they reveal the new logo.



maanantai 26. elokuuta 2024

Jurassic World: Rebirth news

The actor Béchir Sylain has joined the cast of Jurassic World: Rebirth. Mr. Sylvain has done mostly TV series and some small budget movies. This is his fist summer blockbuster. Welcome to Jurassic World Mr. Sylvais.

Jurassic Happy Meal

Matoapina's Tontsa informed me about McDonald's having Jurassic World: Chaos Theory themed Happy Meals so I went to check it out and there it was indeed.
There's the meal with the toy. More about the meal in MatoApina's blog.
And there it is - the toy itself. Not a Spinosaurus althought it's got a very similar looking sail.
No info on this one card yet. Let's move on then.
Becklespinax is the name of the carnivore. 

sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2024

Toy Dino rescue

Found this tiny little Dino Toy from the ground so I took it with me to keep it safe. No Dino figure left behind.

lauantai 24. elokuuta 2024

Interesting video here

Bumped into this video in Facebook and thougt it was worthy to share also here in Jurassic Mania blog. I myself am not a vlogger but I can gladly post other's made videos and give them a little promotion. Big shout out to Klayton Fioriti who brought us this video down below👇...


maanantai 19. elokuuta 2024

My new phone background image

The new Jurassic World: Rebirth poster was so cool I just had to change it into my new phone background image. This one I just might keep a little longer.

Jurassic Park III style Jurassic World: Rebirth poster

Last time I posted a pic of Jurassic Park style Jurassic World: Rebirth poster and now I bumped into a Jurassic Park III style poster. This one might also be the official one since there has been rumors of the return of Spinosaurus that was the apex predator in JP 3.

keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2024

Jurassic Park style Jurassic World: Rebirth poster

This is truly amazing: -A Jurassic Park style poster to Jurassic World: Rebirth. I actually like these "logo only" -posters instead of posters with characters. But I bet the new movie will get a poster with all the characters in it. Let's just hope it's not too Marvel look-alike.

tiistai 6. elokuuta 2024

A little pointless pointout

This I have noticed earlier already but only now will make a fuzz out of it. As can be seen from the screenshot of the birthdays of both the actors Ty Simpkins and Wayne Knight are posted day before their actual birthday. Ty's birthday is on 6th of August and it's posted on 5th of August and the same with Wayne's birthday that is posted yesterday on 6th of August althought is on 7th day. But there's an perfectly good explenation to this: the time zone. Althought I post the birthday here in Finland the right day in States there's still the day before going on.

Quite pointless pointout this was but it had to be pointed out.

Jurassic Screenshot(s) & Link(s)

Yesterday I totally forgot to post the screenshot & link to the actor Ty Simpkins's birthday so here it is down below👇.

Happy Birthday Ty"Gray Mitchell"Simpkins

And today would be again the birthday of the actor Wayne Knight. The link is down below👇 

Happy Birthday Wayne"Dennis Nedry"Knight

maanantai 5. elokuuta 2024

Another Jurassic found

Found another Jurassic World themed collectable from Suomalainen Kirjakauppa. A Creative Set that is an Dino egg full of pens and stickers. Bought one also to my nephew who loved the set.

sunnuntai 4. elokuuta 2024

My new Jurassic founds

Went to Suomalainen Kirjakauppa (Finnish Bookstore) at the Mall of Kamppi and found these two Jurassic items: -A Jurassic World: Dominion themed colouring set...
...-and these pencils with eraser toppers. I'll keep them in their packings as decoratives. Very nice founds into my Jurassic collectables. 

So true

This is so true. I really am out of my family the one obsessed with Dinosaurs. Always been and always will be. DINOSAURUS FOREVER🦕🦖...!!!!!!!1111111